EyeBeam - Monkey Town 3 Pop up Restaurant
Postcard that shows what this is all about
Floating cube with 4 video screens
Each panel showed 4 seasons in Central Park and I liked winter the best
Inside the cube
Monkey Town 3 - Pop Up Restaurant
This pop up restaurant with video art was only in NY for 2 months this Summer and luckily we
were able to go on the last week before it closed. It was an interesting dining experience, being
inside of a Cube created by 4 giant video screens playing curated video art for over 2 hours while
you eat. The experience was so cool that I almost forgot about what we ate, but it was a Mexican
cuisine paired with unlimited wine service. Apparently Monkey Town 3 will travel across the
country for 2 months at a time and also have plans to go abroad. Some videos were questionable,
but it was definitely one of the most unique dining experiences that I had.